GO!: A shirt on mission

GO!: A shirt on mission

GO!: A shirt on mission

Go Into All The World

 Jesus said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." Mark 16:15

Go! The final command given by Jesus in both the Gospel of Mark and the Book of Acts. Go! Go into all the world, and be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, in Samaria and to the ends of the earth. Go! 

I read that scripture and feel moved, motivated. To whom can I share Jesus with today? How? When? But my feeling, if I am being real honest, does not always align with my action.  My intentions from my early morning quiet time and my outcomes from the day differ when it comes time to lay my head on my pillow at night. Shoot! I forgot to tell someone...again. By God’s grace, may I be given another chance as the sun rises on a new day. Let’s try this again...Go!

So we are told to go, but to where shall we share? If you do a bit of digging into the places the Lord mentioned to His disciples you learn that Jesus was telling His friends to share with the Jews the Good News (the Jews who had just crucified Him and wanted to cover up or deny His resurrection), to Judea (the region they were in), and to Samaria. Samaria-to a people group reviled by the Jews and culturally different. And then, to the ends of the earth. These fishermen were told to GO. Fishermen who were comfortable with casting their nets for the catch of the day: fish. Now, called to cast their nets of faith & testimony to the ends of our earth. They did just that. They obeyed, radically obeyed as they loved on, preached to, lived with, suffered because of, and brutally died for those that were able to hear and choose to believe in our magnificent Savior. 

And we are still called to GO into the world, to ALL the world. Beyond my beginning questions of “how” and “when,” I am adding another, “where?” Where are we to go? We are to go to those places where darkness reigns, where the light needs to shine, where you risk everything by going. Where you will love on, preach to, live with, suffer because of, and possibly die for the chance to share the truth of our magnificent Savior. Now, for some of you, the “where” may be your very own city in which you feel darkness holding fast; for others, you may feel called to a place across the globe where His name has never been heard. We, at Born Again Apparel, have chosen to support Project 42, a Christian organization that targets supporting missionaries who boldly go to share the gospel with the 42% of the world that has yet to know of Jesus. It is true: 42% (just under half...seriously!)of the world has less than a 2% population of evangelical Christian (Resource: The Joshua Project). Project 42 finds those brave men, women, and families called to reach the unreached and equips them in resources, education, funding, and more. Currently, one area of focus for Project 42 is supporting those being persecuted in a foreign country which cannot be named. They are finding ways to safely move Christians out of that country. The resources and connections of Project 42 are unbelievable. They are truly living the call of GOING INTO THE WORLD, and we are thankful to be given the chance to help fulfill the command of Jesus: GO! Let’s join them in the GO command wherever we feel called, no matter the where, how, or when. Radical obedience. Go. 

If you’d like to find out more about Project 42, please visit their website Project42Partners.org 

Go into all the world/ Missional shirt/ Christian tshirt/ Christian kids clothing/ Gospel shirt/ Preach the good news/ Jesus shirt/ Faith shirt/